Thursday, January 20, 2011


In Social Studies we are learning about Mesopotamia, the land between two rivers. We also learned about ziggurats, which were being constructed in 2,000 BC in Sumerian cities. Through a website we were able to explore the history behind the ziggurats and take a tour through a ziggurat. We then were able to build our own ziggurats in teams with LEGOS. Check out our work!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


We have been learning about stars and constellations. We read a few legends about how several of the constellations were placed in the sky. We asked the students to create their own constellation and write a legend explaining how their legend was up in the sky.

Arla’s Arrow by Lily Schare
Long ago in the little town of Bartha, a little girl was forced to hunt. Her name was Arla. Her family wasn’t very wealthy. So, they made her do chores. She didn’t mind much In mid April Arla went out into the forest with her bow and arrow. She saw many animals but didn’t shoot them. She was waiting for a bigger animal. “That’s it!” She whispered exited to herself. She had come across an elk about ten feet long and ten feet wide! “BOOM, ”She had made a shot that killed that elk immediately. She dragged that elk all the way back home. The king had spotted her from his royal window and decided to share it with the town. He rushed out the door and asked Arla, ”May I share this lovely elk with the town of Bartha?” “You may.” Arla said as politely as possible. That night they had the biggest feast all because of Arla. Since that day the king had worshiped Arla and arla worshiped the arrow that she used. From that point on Arla’s arrow has been in the sky.

Santa's Sleigh by Corinne Hentschel
Santa comes every Christmas to give each child a gift. This year Santa decided to leave a present for the sky! Santa wanted everyone to know he is real and believe in him so, he left his signature in the sky on his way back to the North Pole. In the harness, thre are nine reindeer: Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen, and Rudolph. He would have drawn those too but he had no time and he had to get back to Mrs. Claus. Only in the month of December this constellation shows only when the Claus' want it to. But especially on Christmas Eve, it shines the brightest. Brighter than all the other stars. So on Christmas Eve, look for this constellation.

The Starfish Legend by Carson Roman
The starfish was a symbol of the sea .Zeus loved the beach. For example the soft sand and interesting shells. There was one thing he loved most of all was the animals, especially the starfish. It was such a dear friend of his.
One day Zeus decided to take home one of the starfish. Zeus did not know that starfish would die if they were not in water after a long time. He kept the starfish on the middle of the table. After a few days Zeus woke up and saw the starfish was dry and was not moving .Zeus went to his neighbor’s house and asked what is wrong with my
starfish. The lady replied ‘Sadly your starfish is dead.’ Zeus ran crying to the
water and put the starfish back into the water. He decided sense that he dearly loved that starfish that he would put it in the sky. That’s the story of how the starfish is a

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Catal Huyuk

We started a new chapter in Social Studies about early communities. We learned about a town called Catal Huyuk that was forgotten about for thousands of years. We also learned about how prehistoric people often lived in caves as opposed to building houses because they had to move around so often. Above a few groups of students decided to build 3 dimensional models of what the community of Catal Huyuk looked like. We learned that they entered the homes through holes in roofs and not doors. Below groups made drawings that may have been found on the cave walls where prehistoric people lived.

Foul Shooting Game

We have been working on constructing and analyzing graphs in math class. We played a "foul-shooting" game with a team of four people. First, each child had the opportunity to shoot 25 foul shoots while the rest of the team made a tally chart of how many went in. Once the whole group had their turn up to the "basket," they were asked to make a line plot and a bar graph. After they did that, they created and answered questions that went along with their graphs.